Grupo de Consultoria Lima

e reduzir os riscos

e reduzir os riscos

Adote uma visão centrada no cliente 为您的财务转型


Grupo de Consultoria Lima


O在家庭内部运作 l程序的完整性,操作 m已建立客户的型号 experiences and use cases. BUSINESS , AS USUAL DISCOVERY DESIGN O在家庭内部运作 legacy of processes, operat- ing models in established customer experiences and use cases. INITIALIZED DEPLOY Intentional and multichan- nel experimentation with a 360° view of customer experiences and use case. MANAGED ADOPT Multi-department and multi- disciplinary collaboration, funded as part of a data driven operating model with t他有影响身体的野心 rate culture and the broad customer experience STANDARDIZED OPTIMIZE Dedicated transformational specialists guide strategy and operations based on business and customer centric goals, enter- prise-wide investments, align with the corporate strategy, and in support of existing and new business models ADVANCED INNOVATE TRANSFORMATIVE All levels of the enterprise operating within a Data- driven operating model. The high posture for both Agility Readiness and Data Readi- ness position the organiza- tion to adopt new business models and quickly adapt to changing market conditions and release new offerings in new markets both quickly and effectively. The organiza- tion can leverage insights and new technical innova- tions as part of the broader roadmap for people, process and platforms. TRANSFORM T他是金融转型成熟度的6个阶段
  • Implementamos nosso modelo com sucesso 在几乎所有的主要行业. Ele traz 转型的纪律和严谨性. 每个转换都遵循模型的步骤, 但每个阶段的结果都是高度个性化的.
  • A dinâmica de sua 组织,准备状态,预算,商业模式的雄心 在我们的建议中,吸收变化的意愿被视为数据.
  • 自2004年以来,我们已经开发了超过 使用金融转型成熟度模型可以创建80个独特的产品. Normalmente, 我们使用其中的16到36种产品, 根据您的组织需求进行选择,并为支持您的转换目标而构建.


Grupo de Consultoria Lima

Como você sabe você está pronto para aproveitar o o design thinking?

Aproveite o design thinking 当你的组织 tiver dificuldades definir o problemaou tentando fazer algo novo.


Operadores, líderes financeiros, criativos, líderes de TI, 市场营销和法律专业人士聚在一起 vendo o problema e a oportunidade através das lentess de sua disciplina específica. A diversidade de pensamento, 虽然它在解决问题方面很有用, 是否会使团队难以就问题的定义达成共识. Uma das maneiras especialistas em design thinking falam sobre a metodologia 它超越了每一位专家的语言吗 para fornecer uma linguagem comumnguagem para a 问题的定义和产生的路径.

Grupo de Consultoria Lima

Obter uma vitória juntos

  • 不像许多设计思维促进者有一个 倾向于达到原型, 在我们开始制定解决方案之前,我们的方法将花必要的时间来确定并就问题达成共识.
  • O LCG ajudará a 在面试时建立广泛的关系网 并在过程的早期让这些重要的利益相关者参与进来,从倡导者那里获得想法, 中立,甚至是诋毁者.
  • 许多雇佣LCG来帮助变革的推动者 promover o consenso 他们表示,广泛的参与网络导致了全公司的责任. “你的”项目变成了“我们的”项目. 正是这种主人翁意识导致了团队的方法. 一起赢得胜利.
  • 结果可能包括与利益相关者的访谈, pesquisas pré-workshop, 市场调查和竞争情报. 在为研讨会做准备时,我们将确定问题的维度, 相关的决策标准和指导原则,以促进有效和个性化的练习.
  • 典型的好处包括 与组织的bet36体育注册未来保持一致 你想要创造的具体问题和价值,该计划将解决.

Roteiro Tech Stack

Grupo de Consultoria Lima

有数百种解决方案可供选择, 金融领袖往往很难决定技术 提供他们需要的东西,提供成长的空间,并利用组织的数据. LCG专有的、有纪律的方法帮助您的组织构建最佳的技术堆栈.

Grupo de Consultoria Lima
  • LCG为一些公司提供咨询 principais fornecedores de 业务流程管理解决方案 em todo o mundo. 我们有经验和知识为您的组织提供建议 soluções 适当的业务流程建模和 绘制客户旅程.
  • Aproveite nosso 深厚的金融科技知识 在供应商选择过程中帮助您的组织.
  • 我们的工程师可以帮助你 documentar rapidamente os processos existentes. Nossa equipe está atenta à automação de 工作流程和流程 世界级的,同时平衡了实际执行.